Auto API
In an exciting update to the industry’s fully trusted ICC Solutions TMat test tools, clients can now automate tests with external hardware, for example a robot or to their own test automation software using the Auto API add on.
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ICC Solutions, along with our partner, is providing an automated solution to allow vendors to automate tests using ICCSim tools with, for instance, a robot.
Currently this is being done with the L3 suites, enabling the user to create a package in the tool consisting of all Brand’s (contact and contactless) tools. It then creates a solution that something can send API calls to - to control the test to run, to get the transaction data to use and to report back the results.
The auto API solution also controls the probes being used for the tests at the POS. The client will need to purchase our auto API add on which exposes the projects created, the data needed for the tests and controls the probes at the terminal. They will also need the probes.
Our partner takes the data from the auto API and, using their controller, (the software that controls the robot), will interrogate the project list and run the tests at the robot, returning the results to the auto API that are then stored for ICCSim to display for the tester.
The envisaged solution is:
TMat with auto API —> middleware —>Robot —>middleware —> auto API
There will be 3 probes (or 2 probes and magstripe simulator) - one to be ‘dipped’ for contact, one waved for contactless and one for the magstripe. A camera can also be included to answer the screen questions i.e., Enter PIN etc.